PostGIS, is an OGC standard spatial database system, and the most common spatial database in the world of open source geospatial. Most users of PostGIS know how to get data in and out, and to form common queries, but there is much more the database can do.
The PostGIS spatial database is a full GIS system, with a SQL interface. We will cover GIS operations like overlays and unions, database topics like partitioning and performance, spatial indexes, and core spatial database concepts like Dimensionally Extended 9 Intersection Model (DE-9IM). We will review the functionality of some obscure non-standard functions in PostGIS, and discuss new features like the "geography" type and how to use them in conjunction with existing standard functionality.
Speaker Bio:
Paul Ramsey is an geospatial consultant with OpenGeo, an expert in open source software, and a founder of the PostGIS open source spatial database project. Paul is a director of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation, and has been a long time advocate for making intelligent use of open source in systems design. Paul speaks and teaches frequently at conferences on the use and abuse of open source geospatial software