Stephan Meissl, EOX IT Services GmbH (S. Meissl, F. Schindler)
Frank Warmerdam, Independent
MapServer 6.0 is the first widely used web mapping software providing a WCS 2.0 server implementation. The new download standard WCS 2.0 was adopted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) in August 2010. WCS 2.0 support is included in the new version 6.0 of MapServer, among a long list of improvements, including also support of XML/POST protocol binding in WCS 1.1.
This presentation puts focus on technical aspects of the implementation and will include tips, tricks, and examples for the real world usage of WCS in MapServer focusing on the new version 2.0.
WCS 2.0 uses a coverage model which is based on GML and harmonized around OGC working groups thus allowing the usage of coverages interoperably and independently from a particular service. WCS 2.0 is defined as a modular, structured suite of specifications fitting into an extensible overall concept. The properties defined in the core (mainly consisting of coverage retrieval, sub-setting by trimming and slicing) must be offered by any conformant implementation. Extensions add optional further functionality like protocol bindings or format encodings.
Speaker Bio:
Stephan Meissl works in Austria, Europe as co-founder of EOX IT Services GmbH. He gained experience in various projects funded by the European Space Agency focusing on on-line data access to Earth Observation data. He is actively participating in OGC's Web Coverage Service (WCS) Standards Working Group. His Open Source involvement includes active contributions to OSGeo's MapServer project and initiating the EOxServer project. He graduated as Master of Science in the field of Mathematics in Computer Sciences from the Vienna University of Technology.
Frank Warmerdam has been a contract geospatial software developer focused on data access and interchange since 1998. He is the founder of the GDAL/OGR project, and contributing to projects such as MapServer, PROJ.4, OpenEV, libtiff and libgeotiff. He is a founding member and director of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). He is a graduate of the University of Waterloo, with a honours BMath majoring in Computer Science.