Mod-geocache, a fast tiling solution for the apache web server
mod-geocache is a new member in the family of tile caching servers. It aims to be simple to install and configure (no need for the intermediate glue such as mod-python, mod-wsgi or fastcgi), to be (very) fast (written in c and running as a native module under apache), and to be capable (services WMTS, googlemaps, virtualearth, KML, TMS, WMS). When acting as a WMS server, it will also respond to untiled requests, by merging its cached tiles vertically (multiple layers) and/or horizontally.
The presentation will include details of the software functionality, along with benchmarks against the other major tile caching solutions.
Independent developer specializing in high performance web mapping solutions, I'm a MapServer PSC member and founder of the mod-geocache project.