
HTML5 for Rich Geospatial applications on the web

Session Type: 
Tech Session
Javier de la Torre, Vizzuality

HTML5 is rapidly caching and this is great news for sophisticated geospatial applications on the web. With features like Workers or Canvas the number of things that can be done on the browser is just growing exponentially. WebGL is also likely gonna be a game changer. In the session we would like to demonstrate some of this new capabilities with a FOSS web application develop to do geospatial analysis for endangered species. The tool is used to create the Red List of endangered species worldwide:

Speaker Bio: 

Javier is the lead developer and co-founder of Vizzuality. Over the past 8 years has been working on the field of biodiversity Informatics and geospatial technologies for biodiversity and conservation. Right now he works on CartoDB geospatial databases on the cloud to enable great visualizations.

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Advanced Cartography for the Web

Session Type: 
Tech Session
AJ Ashton, Development Seed

Putting information on a map - whether that's seismic activity in Japan or election results in Afghanistan - immediately adds more context to your data. Maps quickly become move powerful with more data overlays, like the magnitude and timing of aftershocks or incidents of corruption and security threats. The story you can tell with your information changes with this additional data, but largely due to how you tell that story with your map with its design.

This session will introduce strategies to design beautiful, effective, and interactive maps with emerging open source mapping tools that are accessible for designers - and not just developers with a GIS background. Open source tools and free and open data now power some of the most stunning maps in the world, and consistent advances in these tools are decreasing the barrier to entry for designers with a web background who want to start designing maps. Participants will leave this session armed with strategies behind designing effective maps, and with a knowledge of the open source tools available to help them easily design them.

Taking a case-study approach, participants will see real-world examples of challenges encountered when designing maps for the web. Topics covered will include interactive design, techniques for tight integration of your maps with your web application, methods for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in your designs, and map design best practices - plus some fun features like making 3D maps. Possible example maps will include:

The tools and data discussion will center around the Mapnik renderer, the CSS-like Carto styling language, the open source map design studio TileMill, and the OpenStreetMap database.

Speaker Bio: 

AJ is a cartographer and a developer at Development Seed, an R&D shop that specializes in building maps, data visualizations, and open source tools. AJ spends much of his time designing beautiful maps like the ones available from and creating tools like the open source map design studio TileMill.

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A Prototype of open source tool for water resources management in developing countries

Session Type: 
Tech Session
Dr Naga Coulibaly, University of Abobo-Adjame, Côte d'Ivoire
Prof Umesh Bellur

The development of almost all socio-economic sectors depends on water resources. Indeed, water resources are mobilized to satisfy various uses like domestic, agricultural, industrial, livestock, tourism, leisure etc. In developing countries, water resources are not available in sufficient quantity and quality anytime, anywhere. This situation is worsened by the pressure induced by socioeconomic and population growth. It's therefore necessary to create the conditions for sustainable access to water for different users. Such approach must be supported by tools which allow management and analysis of current and historical data. The present paper describes a Spatial tool prototype for the integrated water resources management for various uses for developing countries. The tool assesses water vulnerability to pollution, water demand and soil erosion in a watershed. Design with Unified Modeling Language (UML), the tool integrates a socio-economic and environmental database for water resources assessment, management and planning at a watershed level. It is developed with Quantum GIS 1.6 shell enhanced with GRASS functionalities. Quantum GIS performs well under very poor computing conditions; this will make this tool accessible to all water resources actors. The tool uses PostGreSQL database with PostGIS analysis tools. The system was used to study the Baoule watershed in North-West of Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa). This paper presents the system and the results of the application study. This Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) aims to be an institutional spatial tool for decision making for concertation between all the water resource actors (users, managers) for a sustainable management of water.

Speaker Bio: 

Ph.D. in Environment Management in 2009, Assistant at University of Abobo-Adjame and Geomatic Consultat for the Food an Agriculture Organisation / Abidjan.

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Building professional geo-analytical dashboards and reports with GeoBIExt

Session Type: 
Tech Session
Dr Thierry Badard, Spatialytics
Luc Vaillancourt, Spatialytics

Geospatial Business Intelligence (GeoBI), combining GIS and BI technologies, has recently stirred marked interest for the huge potential of combining spatial analysis and map visualization with proven BI tools and techniques such as data warehousing (DW), On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP), ... A complete open source GeoBI suite is now available at It comprises: 1) GeoKettle, a spatial ETL tool targeted for geo-analytical data warehousing, 2) GeoMondrian, a Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) server which extends the open source Mondrian OLAP server with GIS data types and functions and 3) GeoBIExt (extending the formerly known SOLAPLayers project), a rich client visualization framework for SOLAP data, using GeoExt/OpenLayers as the web mapping front-end. It enables the creation of drillable and interactive geo-analytical dashboards or more static reports, which allow the analyze of data through different representations (maps, charts and cross-tabs) and levels of detail in order to take more informed and hence better decisions. The GeoBIExt framework is composed of a server part which acts as a relay between the different data sources and the client part for interactive visualisation and exploration of geo-analytical data.

Speaker Bio: 

Thierry Badard is professor in geoinformatics at Laval University (Quebec, Canada). He is also a co-founder and the CTO of Spatialytics (, a company specialized in GeoBI (Geospatial Business Intelligence) software development.

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Spatial Processing using JEQL

Session Type: 
Tech Session
Martin Davis, Tsusiat Software

JEQL is a simple yet powerful language designed for expressing spatial (and non-spatial) processes. It follows the Table-Oriented Programming paradigm and provides a SQL-like query language. This talk gives an overview of JEQL and show some examples of its use.

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